
More language for your click: 3 simple ways to make Freerice teach you more

file7231339581147From the word go, I was charmed by the idea behind Freerice – get a question right, click through to the next one, help fight world hunger. This worked for my English students, worked for my Arts knowledge – and recently, it’s been part of my 25-minute German daily workout. But the big question remains – for a foreign language learner, how useful is this website – and how can you make it work for you better?


Opening The Kimono: What I Learned From Getting 2K Udemy Students in 3 Weeks

how to get your course trending on udemy

On New Year’s Day, I hit “Publish” on my first Udemy course. Things have been moving fast since then! Today’s post is about online learning – and a bit about how these courses work, from the publishing and teaching perspective. I hope you enjoy reading this.


Google Helpouts: 3 Obvious Uses (and 1 Brave idea) for Language Learning

google helpout foreign language learningI had a Google Hangout last week. This was a first! It was work-related and had a lot to do with language learning. Soon afterwards, I found out about Helpouts – a brand new idea for hangouts. Can language learners use Helpouts effectively? I think there are at least three good answers – and one brave concept!


Old Tools, New Tricks: 4 Polyglot-friendly Features

You probably know and love the feeling of discovering something new and useful in your toolbox – or a new app for your favourite phone – or a secret button in your car (OK, that last thing doesn’t happen that often). And if you’re always looking for ways of learning languages better – you’ll probably have found the four features I’m going to mention today. In case you didn’t, though, here goes: foreign language learners’ Easter Eggs (sort of)!


Podcasts in Language Learning: 3 Secrets of Success

When it comes to multimedia, performance and agility, you can do more with your mobile phone today than with your computer 15 years ago. Unfortunately, our philosophy and practice of using this technology still lags behind. It’s impossible to fix it all at once – but today, I want to focus on one aspect of modern tech which could really enhance your language learning: podcasts.


Learn a New Language With Diablo 3: Tips, Strategies and Resources

Tomorrow, many of my friends will become much less sociable, and I’m about to hear a lot more rumours about problems in relationships. Diablo 3 is coming out!