
Context, correction and custard tarts: What you can’t do with mobile learning

It started with a picture of a cake, and ended with reflections on mobile learning. Read on to find how I got here.


Duolingo – the Future of Language Learning?

It is very rare for me to find a gadget, machine or solution that I would completely fall in  love with (my espresso machine was, I think, a memorable exception to the rule).


Using TED Talks To Learn Any Language

It’s a lunch-break ritual: I grab my lunch and watch a TED talk. It’s a chance to learn about something new, to listen to fascinating people – and, last but not least, to get a breather from the work before me. I love me some TED-related goodness. And the best part? You can actually use TED talks to learn just about any language. Here’s how (the four ideas differ in difficulty, but they’re all definitely useful).


Survival Linguistics: The Benefits Of a Language Survival Kit

My first pocket knife saved a cat’s life.

I got it from my grandpa, and whenever I had it with me (I still do, sometimes), I had this warm feeling of being prepared. Cutting up sticks for marshmallow-baking? Opening a bottle of Coke? Bring it on.

(Yes, this post is still about learning a language.)


6 Surprising Places to Learn a Language Faster

Louvre in Paris. What better way to learn French?

I’m fully aware that learning languages is not really a sexy business. That’s mainly because of the places usually associated with language courses: classrooms, language schools, university halls…yawn.

Today’s post is a desperate attempt to bring the sexy back! Get ready to visit six places where foreign languages are surprisingly present – and think about how you can use it in your language learning. Ready? Hop on then…