
More language for your click: 3 simple ways to make Freerice teach you more

file7231339581147From the word go, I was charmed by the idea behind Freerice – get a question right, click through to the next one, help fight world hunger. This worked for my English students, worked for my Arts knowledge – and recently, it’s been part of my 25-minute German daily workout. But the big question remains – for a foreign language learner, how useful is this website – and how can you make it work for you better?


Foreign Languages & Human Rights: Ways To Get Involved

Today, 10th of December, is Human Rights Day. What can language learners and teachers do to really celebrate it properly?

And why does it even matter?


Learn a Language, Lend a Hand: How to Learn Languages Through Charity

“It feels too good to be true.”

helping Haiti
Not everything must cost you money.

We had just come across an awesome idea, and were staring at the screen in disbelief. Somebody out there was actually doing things we had been dreaming of doing. And managing to change the world for the better at the same time.

The best thing is, we actually had three “Eureka” moments like this while searching the Web. They’re all described below, ranging from the very easy to the radical and bold. Whatever their difficulty level, these designs have one thing in common. They will let you learn a language and help people who need help – all this without having to pay a penny for your lessons.

Get in, and hold on tight.