
Getting Closer: How to Figure Out Your Integrative Motivation

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Photographer's mantra: "Come closer" - works for learning languages as well.

“So, where are you guys from?”

We had just finished a delicious paella and were settling the bill with a charming Spanish waiter. The city was British (well – Welsh), the restaurant – Spanish. All around us, people were easing into what promised to be a nice, sunny weekend – many languages, nationalities and styles. It felt right to be asked, and OK to be able to answer the way we did.


7 Things You Can Do Today To REALLY Learn A Language

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REALLY learning: with any language, it can get equally hard.

Posts like these are dangerous. They invite you to click through, promising something big – and end up directing you to websites you’ve tried and didn’t like. Can you say “anticlimactic?”

So this one will be different. In fact, I’m not planning to include too many links in here – mainly because of the word “REALLY” in the title of the post. Let me explain.