
Help Kickstart Papora – learn a new language online with great kicstarter rewards!

This is a very quick post, as there is not much time to let you guys take action. A new language learning initiative needs your help on Kickstarter. For anyone serious about foreign language learning, this should be a great chance to get involved. Read more about it here – then decide if your polyglot support should follow!


Make Libraries Your Language Learning Headquarters – Here’s Why

foreign language learning in libraries

Neil Gaiman’s defence of libraries comes at a crucial time: people begin to wonder whether these places still serve a useful purpose in today’s societies. For language learners, a library can become an extremely valuable resource, even with the online world at their fingertips. What should a foreign language guerrilla learner expect from librarians – and how to make it work?


Guerrilla Language Learning Buddy Groups: from Facebook to Captain Planet


Foreign language study is more people-oriented than other disciplines I know of. So it makes sense that students of one language spend time learning – and teaching – together. How do such language learning communities grow – especially when time, money and resources are crucial? Let’s try to find out.


Getting Closer: How to Figure Out Your Integrative Motivation

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Photographer's mantra: "Come closer" - works for learning languages as well.

“So, where are you guys from?”

We had just finished a delicious paella and were settling the bill with a charming Spanish waiter. The city was British (well – Welsh), the restaurant – Spanish. All around us, people were easing into what promised to be a nice, sunny weekend – many languages, nationalities and styles. It felt right to be asked, and OK to be able to answer the way we did.