
2015: The year you finally read much more. Here’s how I’ll do it!

learn-iconI think it started as I ran out of bookshelf space: that quiet, nagging feeling that I should be doing something. Books, ebooks, useful articles and clippings all clogged up the spaces I designed for them.

“I don’t read as much as I used to,” I told my friend. She got worried.
“No, don’t do it to me. Not you. Make time, somehow!”

So here’s how I’m planning to do this. Your tools will vary: I’m leaving you with a handful of good questions that fit any setting.


Big Brother Did My Homework: How Governments help Language Learners

London Sunset You’d normally think that your government is only there to collect your taxes and spy on you from time to time. Well, it turns out that other countries’ officials are actually useful from time to time: they have means of helping you learn the language of their country! Take a look at a handful of ways to approach this polyglot goodness.


Make Libraries Your Language Learning Headquarters – Here’s Why

foreign language learning in libraries

Neil Gaiman’s defence of libraries comes at a crucial time: people begin to wonder whether these places still serve a useful purpose in today’s societies. For language learners, a library can become an extremely valuable resource, even with the online world at their fingertips. What should a foreign language guerrilla learner expect from librarians – and how to make it work?