
Survival Linguistics: The Benefits Of a Language Survival Kit

My first pocket knife saved a cat’s life.

I got it from my grandpa, and whenever I had it with me (I still do, sometimes), I had this warm feeling of being prepared. Cutting up sticks for marshmallow-baking? Opening a bottle of Coke? Bring it on.

(Yes, this post is still about learning a language.)


Flow vs Focus: What Language Learners Can Learn From Parkour

(Wiktor’s note: throughout the text, the terms “parkour” and “free running” are used interchangeably. Yes, I know there’s a difference. No, I don’t care that much. Carry on reading if you’re not gravely offended by now.)


Nerds have wet dreams, too. One of them – for many people I know, and for myself, more than once – was to be like a traceur, or “free runner.” If you saw parkour on “Yamakasi” or in the opening scenes of “Casino Royale,” you probably know what I mean.

Parkour as an art of movement has seemingly nothing to do with learning foreign languages. But upon closer inspection, some principles become evident. This post is a very quick introduction to the similarities between parkour and speaking foreign languages.

Get your shoes on and follow me.