“Going Nowhere: Epilogue”

16588043837_8472f6952d“Going Nowhere” will probably never get 100% finished – it’s the way my brain tries to make sense of Brexit, and as such – it’s therapy, venting, and an endless experiment in frustration in verse. Typically for a country that’s all backwards, I wrote the epilogue first. Continue reading ““Going Nowhere: Epilogue””

“Black Protest”

30248313021_da3d73fd47#BlackProtest (or #CzarnyProtest in Polish) was a country-wide series of strikes and protests, organised by Polish women in Oct 2016 to oppose the Polish government’s intentions to almost completely de-legalize abortion in Poland. You can read more here. If you see it trending again, you’ll know that the fight isn’t over yet. There are many ways to help: wearing black, joining a march in your town, or (as it turns out) writing a poem. Continue reading ““Black Protest””


10786640513_46bd8f5302_mMy wife’s most often-used words as she comes back from her workout are “Pain & Torture.” I started imagining two old geezer monsters, two not-quite-human thugs called Pane & Torcher, and wrote this brief account of them getting things done. The names changed later, but the idea remained. Tentacles are a strange thing to write a short story about. Continue reading ““Unsuitables””