
Google Helpouts: 3 Obvious Uses (and 1 Brave idea) for Language Learning

google helpout foreign language learningI had a Google Hangout last week. This was a first! It was work-related and had a lot to do with language learning. Soon afterwards, I found out about Helpouts – a brand new idea for hangouts. Can language learners use Helpouts effectively? I think there are at least three good answers – and one brave concept!


Tell ’em.

The most amazing, frightening, beautiful, shocking, stressful and productive moment of your language learning…

It’s when you commit, go out, speak up, make yourself heard. It’s when you take the risk.

Today, I started a Facebook page and a Google+ page for this blog. Until now, I was reluctant to do it. The reason, I think, is exactly the same as an excuse people make for not speaking foreign languages: fear of embarrassment.

Benny Lewis, from “Fluent in 3 Months,” will deal with that excuse in no time:

[youtube id=”_yhnWnR1g7M” width=”600″ height=”350″]

I will only add two things:

1. The meaning of every communication is the response you get. And the only way to get meaningful results is to take the risk.

2. Thank you for reading this. If you want to join a small, but growing group of people who share your love for languages, you’ve got Facebook and Google+ to choose from.